Hi, I'm Quosain Hasan

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What I Do

I'm a web developer, I usually code in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and for backend Python and Django. I have good knowledge of WordPress too...

More about me

I'm night owl, who loves to watch movies, webseries, listen to songs and books. But out of all the things I love to code!

Top Expertise

I'm Python Django web developer View Resume

  • Python
  • Website Development
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • Public speaking
  • Django
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • AWS (Amazon Web Services)
  • Creative writing

Some Of My Work

Quosain Hasan
Quosain Hasan

It is a portfolio website developed with HTML5, CSS3, JS

QR code component
QR code component

It is a QR code component challenge using HTML and CSS


A website for Era University students for registering for Udghosh


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